
Created on:

24 Jul 2023

Last Updated on:

28 Nov 2024

Read about the Fine for riding a bike wearing sandals & paying the challan. For more information, check out the bike insurance policy from Zurich Kotak General Insurance.

Fine for riding a bike wearing sandals and steps to pay traffic challan online or offline

If you are a bike owner in India, you must be aware of the various traffic rules and regulations. The traffic rules in India are guided by the Motor Vehicles Act. These rules are introduced with the intention to reduce the instances and risk of road accidents and facilitate safe driving.

The traffic officials ensure that everyone follows the rules diligently. If you violate any of these rules, you face the risk of paying a hefty fine. While some rules like wearing a helmet while driving, stopping when the signal is red, making way for the ambulance, not over speeding are quite common, there are some rules that are lesser known. One such traffic rule that many people may not be aware of is riding a bike wearing sandals or slippers is prohibited.

You must wear proper footwear while driving

According to the Motor Vehicle Act, when you are riding a two-wheeler, your feet must be fully covered. This rule was introduced to ensure that there is minimal or no damage to your feet during an accident. If you wear a sandal or slipper while riding a bike, it will be considered a violation of the traffic law. So, always wear the right footwear while riding, this is important for self-protection and to be compliant with the law.

Fine for riding a bike wearing sandals

If you are found guilty of riding a bike wearing sandals, you may have to pay a traffic fine of INR 1000. If you are a repeat offender, the traffic authorities have the right to cancel your driving licence.

Steps to pay traffic challan offline

You can pay the traffic challan offline at any of the traffic police stations in your city. If you have any pending fines or unpaid e-challans, you can pay them offline. Usually, the officials at the traffic police station have a record of the drivers on their special device, and they can easily trace the previous challan details. It is advisable to avoid unpaid challans for long; try to pay them off at the earliest.

Steps to pay traffic challan online

Paying the traffic violation fine online is easy. Every state in India has a dedicated transport website. You can pay the challan online through the state transport website or the official E-challan website, i.e., Digital Traffic/Transport Enforcement Solution website. If you choose the latter option, follow the below steps:

Step 1
Visit the official E-Challan website, i.e., and click on the ‘check challan status’ tab on the menu bar.

Step 2
You may see a new page on your screen. Here, you can check the challan status by entering either vehicle number, driving licence number or challan number. Enter the details of the option you choose and the captcha and click on the ‘get details’ button.

Step 3
The details of all your challans will appear on the screen. If you have no challans, you will see a blank row. You can track details of all the challans filed against you.

Step 4
If you have any pending challan, click on the ‘pay now’ option under the payment option and proceed to pay the fine online.

Step 5
Choose the suitable payment. You can pay through credit or debit card, or net banking. Enter the necessary details like card number, CVV, expiry date, challan amount, etc., and complete the payment.

After you have made the payment and the transaction is complete, you will get a ‘payment successful’ message and the transaction ID. Make sure to keep this ID handy for future references as a proof of the vehicle fine payment.

Final Word

Now that you are aware of the steps to make traffic challan payment, make sure to pay off the pending dues. More importantly, always obey the traffic rules to avoid paying any penalty. Also, remember to carry your bike insurance policy every time you are on the roads. In case your are nearing expiry, click on Kotak bike insurance renewal page to renew your bike insurance immediately.

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