Learn some easy ways to defog your car windows and ensure a safe drive. Check out Zurich Kotak General Insurance's car insurance policy for more information.
Fogging on car windows is a common occurence during monsoons. Intense fogging can prove risky as it obscures the driver's vision.. Fogging in car windows usually occurs due to temperature differences inside and outside your vehicle. When warm air comes in contact with the cold surface of your car windows, condensation occurs. It causes tiny water droplets to form on your car windows. One should take immediate steps to defog your car windows to prevent mishaps due to fog. Learn the tricks to remove fog from your car windows.
During monsoons, due to high humidity level, fog generally gathers on the outer surface of your car windows. On such occasions, you can use the windshield wiper to clear up the moisture. If the wiper alone doesn't help, you can spray some cleaner and then turn on the wiper.
Fog also gathers while it is raining. Turning down your AC speed a bit will bring the temperature inside your car in line with the outside temperature and prevent condensation. Another trick is to open your windows a little bit and allow outside air into your vehicle. This will balance the temperature quicker and clear the fog.
Most cars today have an air recirculation facility fitted in the system. With this system, you can pull fresh air from outside without drastically changing the temperature inside. The gradual balance of temperature clears up the fog in your windows.
The defrost option is extremely useful when driving during monsoon season. Look for a button with a square and three upward-pointing squiggly arrows. On activation, the button sends a blast of fresh air to your vehicle's windshield. Since the air matches the temperature outside, the fog quickly clears up. When you press the defrost button, turn off the recirculation button if it is on, set the fan speed to the highest setting and turn the AC on. Once the windshield is clear, you can resume to your desired settings.
The fog inside your car is nothing but high humidity. So dehumidifying your vehicle can prevent its formation in the first place. You can get a dehumidifier from the market, alternatively, you can make your own dehumidifier bag by putting some silica balls inside a sock. Silica balls absorb moisture and can prevent fogging up your windows when placed on the dashboard.
Road accidents due to fogging are not unheard of and tend to increase during rains. So it's essential to cover your car against damages with a comprehensive car insurance policy.
While you may already have athird-party liability insurance, a comprehensive cover such as Car Secure ensures that damage to you and your vehicle is also covered. With such full-fledged cover, you can enjoy a stress-free ride. You can further boost your car insurance by adding optional covers for depreciation, engine protection, or roadside assistance.
While comprehensive car insurance may provide adequate protection against damage, protecting your car is better than repairing damages. So always take the necessary steps to defog your windows so it doesn't impede your driving.
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